ENI Community

Why join the ENI Community? 

The ENI Community provides its members with comprehensive local news, updates on grants and incentives, access to learning resources, opportunities to shape policy and influence future business support, and access to benefits, savings, and well-being support through Eniplus.

What's included in my membership?

What's HappENIng - Monthly comprehensive localised news, informed links, and important updates for your business.
Finance Updates - Local update on grants, incentives, and finance for your business
Learning - Preferential access to relevant learning and resources for you, and your team.
Shaping Policy - Shape policy and influence future business support. Feed into the annual NI Enterprise Barometer.
Eniplus - Join our community through Eniplus and enjoy benefits, savings, resources, advice, treats, and well-being support for you, your team, and your business on Eniplus.